Rising stars!

Concert des Lauréats – Prix Jeunes Talents Rotary

With the Orchestre symphonique de l’École Régionale de Musique de la Ville de Dudelange

26 January 2024
Eglise Saint-Martin, Dudelange
Dudelange (Luxembourg)

EN – The “Prizewinners Concert – Rotary Young Talent Prize” is a concert in aid of the young musicians graduating from the École Régionale de Musique (regional music school) of the town of Dudelange. This event also has the objective of collecting funds to support research for children suffering from rare diseases, and this in collaboration with the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine of Luxembourg University. For its fourth edition, it once again focuses on students of the regional music school of Dudelange who stand out on account of their talent and their progress. These young artists are in concert as soloists with the Orchestre de Chambre du Luxembourg, under the baton of Steve Boehm. This evening also provides an opportunity for the symphony orchestra of the École Régionale de Musique to perform on stage alongside the musicians of the OCL.